A unique mix
Many who work for us no longer want to leave. A turnover rate that has been low for years
proves that we are doing something right with our work culture. What exactly is that? For one thing, we provide individual support for everyone who works for us. On the other hand, we create conditions that optimally combine life and job. In addition to a good working atmosphere, sustainability and the careful use of natural resources are also important to us. And last but not least, we take our social responsibility seriously and get involved in charity projects together.
Diversity becomes a whole orchestra:
We are colourful, open and diverse.
We come from 26 nations.
We are aged from 20 to just over 60.

Auf Engagement eingestimmt:
- Wir initiieren Charity Runs, um Geld für gute Zwecke zu sammeln.
- Wir unterstützen soziale und gemeinnützige Einrichtungen wie z.B. die Berliner Tafel oder Aktion Baum.
- Wir veranstalten einmal pro Jahr eine Kleidersammlung für karitative Zwecke.

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